
Мастер-класс Жан-Кристофа Ле Токана «Противодействие киберпреступности»

19 октября 2011 года в Школе IT-менеджмента РАНХ при Президенте РФ прошел Мастер-класс Директора Digital Crimes Unit Microsoft Europe, Middle East and Africa Жан-Кристофа Ле Токана (Jean-Christophe Le Toquin) «Противодействие киберпреступности»

Мастер-класс был приурочен к запуску новой программы МВА "Информационная безопасность (CSO)".

Jean-Christophe Le Toquin - Digital Crimes Unit Director for Microsoft Europe, Middle East and Africa’s Legal and Corporate Affairs group, leads programs aiming at disrupting cybercrime in this region. In this role he develops projects which strengthen government and industry capacity against cybercrime, through the creation of national centers of excellence on training and education (2CENTRE), and through the development of real time data sharing programs against online threats (PhotoDNA, Signal Spam). To that end, Le Toquin supports partnerships with international institutions, enforcement agencies and public authorities, as well as nongovernmental organizations and academia.